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Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease
Engineering, The Ohio State University Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease ... task. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia among older adults. Dementia is ... impaired reasoning or judgment can also be early indicators of the development of Alzheimer's disease ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries
and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Updated 2010: Julie Kennel Shertzer, Program ... reduced inflammation and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Cherries contain vitamin C, ... 1 hour and 30 minutes Ingredients 1-pound sweet cherries, pits and stems removed ¾ cup brown sugar, ...
Fruit Rots of Blueberry: Alternaria, Anthracnose, and Botrytis
the field on overripe fruit. Anthracnose (ripe rot) is a serious preharvest and postharvest disease ... . Botrytis fruit rot is typically a minor disease but can become severe. Other fruit rots are less common. ... brown edge. Defoliation can occur if leaf infection is severe. Anthracnose fruit rot causes the berries ...
Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops
small (less than 4 mm), its body is light yellowish brown, and it has red eyes. However, SWD has some ...
Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight)
State University Angular leaf spot is the only bacterial disease of strawberry in the Midwest. Though ... serious. After the disease becomes established in a planting, not much can be done to manage it. Losses ... result from (1) decreased productivity from diseased or dead leaves and (2) reduced yields due to ...
Cedar-Apple Rust
Ohio State University Cedar-apple rust is a common plant disease caused by the fungal pathogen ... apple, crabapple, eastern redcedar, and other juniper species. Cedar-apple rust is a widespread disease ... disease on redcedar and juniper, the symptoms can be significant and damaging on apple. This disease has ...
Anthracnose of Grape
The disease was probably introduced into this country by grape plant material imported from Europe. It ... quickly established in American vineyards and became a significant disease of grape in rainy, humid, and ... warm regions of the United States. The disease is not common in Ohio; however, it caused severe damage ...
Botrytis Fruit Rot “Gray Mold” of Strawberry, Raspberry, and Blackberry
blackberry. Under favorable environmental conditions for disease development, serious losses can occur. One of ... the most serious and common fruit rot diseases is gray mold. The gray mold fungus can affect petals, ... flower stalks (pedicels), fruit caps, and fruit. In wet, warm seasons, probably no other disease causes ...
Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize
caused by Maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV). The disease (Fig. 1) has been reported from Texas up to ... Missouri and Ohio covering 19 states of the United States and Mexico. The disease caused severe economic ... hybrid, and plant developmental stage at the time of infection. Disease Cycle MCDV is mainly transmitted ...
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries
body (perithecia). Leaflets sometimes become infected and show brown, wedge-shaped diseased areas, with ... raspberries. Spur blight has been considered to be a serious disease of red raspberry; however, recent studies ... bearing side branches. In addition, berries produced on diseased canes may be dry, small, and seedy. ...