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  1. Competencies

    3(1), 1-16.-Brown, E. J. (1965). Adapting Extension to urban environment. Journal of Extension, 3(1), ...

  2. Fisheries and Wildlife Science Seminar

    8 completions. Graduate 1.0 ENR 8890 SP20 Updated.pdf Suzanne Gray Gabriel Karns Robert J. Gates William Peterman ...

  3. 2022 Ohio Maple Days

    research updates on red maple, and maple flavors.  An ACER grant update, a look at the insects every maple ...

  4. Successional Dynamics of Forests

    ENR7333 SP20 Syllabus.pdf ENR 7333 SP20 Updated.pdf In Person Environment and Natural Resources ...

  5. Production Systems- Structures

    Phytophthora  disease. NFT channels are available in various sizes, and NFT for strawberry employs a wide ...

  6. Costs

    presence of previously acquired root-zone diseases and degraded physical and chemical properties of ...

  7. SENR Announcements, February 17

    " Environmental and health scientists bite back! Managing tick and mosquito bite-based diseases in ... Woodland Stewards Program. Ohio State Extension Educator Carrie Brown will take virtual ...

  8. Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar Series – Non-native Invasive Forest Pests and Sentinels

    invasive pests and the use of sentinel tree plantings to monitor what future pests and diseases may be of ...

  9. Race, the Environment, and the Car

    neighborhoods. Black and Brown Americans have been more likely to live in places with unhealthy amounts of air ...

  10. Majors

    Fisheries, and Wildlife Natural Resource Management Curriculum All majors at the university were updated as ... Current Students are not eligible to move to the new GE or updated major requirements   How does SENR fit ...
