
Search results

  1. Downy Mildew of Grape

    infected leaves eventually turn brown, wither, curl and drop. The disease attacks older leaves in late ... Pathology Downy mildew is a major disease of grapes throughout the eastern United States. The fungus causes ... cotton-like growth (Figure 2). Infected tissue gradually becomes dark brown, irregular, and brittle. Severely ...

  2. Hops Downy Mildew

    destructive disease of hops (Humulus lupulus) in the Midwest and Northeastern United States. Downy mildew is ... mild temperatures. The disease is systemic and can cause significant yield and quality losses annually. ... Farm. Disease Development and Symptoms The downy mildew pathogen survives the winter in dormant buds, ...

  3. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peppers

    to prevent cancer and fight heart disease. Red, orange, and bright yellow peppers provide some ... whole with a meat/rice mixture and bake. Fry pepper slices or rings in small amount of olive oil for 3–5 ... minutes or until crisp, tender, and light brown. Wear plastic or rubber gloves while handling hot chilies. ...

  4. Identification of White Grubs in Turfgrass

    grubs.    Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests lawn and turf white grubs in turf grass ... ohio white grubs ohio white grub adults grub species in lawn grubs in turf identification of ohio white ...

  5. Cork Spot and Bitter Pit of Apples

    disease usually is not serious. This is an updated version of a fact sheet originally published in 1992. ... sometimes confuse these disorders with damage resulting from insects or pathological diseases, particularly ... used in controlling post-bloom diseases and insects affecting fruit. Do not apply calcium chloride ...

  6. Apple Powdery Mildew

    usually at the ends of branches. Small, whitish felt-like patches of fungal growth appear and quickly ... cover the entire leaf. Diseased leaves become narrow, crinkled, stunted and brittle. By mid-summer, ... fungal fruiting bodies, but their importance in the disease cycle is probably minimal. The fungus spreads ...

  7. Gray Leaf Spot of Corn

    prevalent foliar fungal diseases of corn in the state of Ohio ever since it was first reported in parts of ... into no-till fields and conditions are favorable for infection. Reports of high disease severity are ... humidity favor infect and disease development and spread. Under these conditions, yield losses ranging from ...

  8. Understanding Dimensional Changes In Wood Products

    old growth southern pines provided straight-grained boards with many annual rings per inch for home ... cross-grain, and fewer annual rings per inch. Discriminating buyers who understand these dimensional changes in ... (earlywood) and dark (latewood) colored bands of wood make up the annual ring of one growing season. Conifers, ...

  9. Giant Caterpillars

    orange with scattered yellow patches.   Cecropia Moth Larva This caterpillar is the larvae of the ... dark red-brown sprinkled with gray and pink. The body is large and covered with long, rust-red hair. ... brown with gray dusting on the forewing edges and vertical pink lines near the body. Each hindwing has ...

  10. Rusts of Apple

    PLPATH-FRU-02 05/06/2016 Michael A. Ellis, Department of Plant Pathology Three rust diseases occur ... green area becomes brown and spongy. The formation of pycnia and aecia on infected fruit is rare. Apples ... crabapple. Larger, gray to brown spots form on leaves of hawthorn. Few aecia form on apple and crabapple. ...
