
Search results

  1. CFAES Budget Campaign Update

    CFAES department chair and unit leader update- via invitation. ...

  2. TWEL Marne Titchenell Thesis

    activity between different retention levels. Red bats (Lasiurus borealis), big brown bats (Eptesicus ... had low activity in the unharvested areas. Red bats, big brown bats, and silver-haired bats were ... understory to mid-canopy (3-6 m), while big brown and silver-haired bat activity was detected most when ...

  3. CFAES Faculty Lead on Global Water Issues

    and “One Health Research in Cameroon: A Critical Role for Anthropologists”. Dr. Larry C. Brown ... quantity, agricultural constructed wetlands, and water resources education. Dr. Brown has conducted water ...

  4. Lucas County- Canning Basics

    home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same ...

  5. SENR's Professor Sharp on All Sides with Ann Fisher Today

    takes to preserve this way of life. The show is hosted by Steve Brown and guests include:  Dewey ...

  6. Lucas County- Canning Basics

    home canning and updated resources to help the home canner create a safe product. (this same ...

  7. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    and cultivation practices amazed me growing up. When I was young, I noticed so many diseases existed ... crops. I was fascinated and soon realized for the first time that I needed to work with plant diseases ... losses pre and post-harvest. Soft rot, considered as one of the most serious bacterial diseases of potato ...

  8. Seminar: Paraguay- The Heart of South America

    Pathology in Dr. Sally Miller’s Lab with interests in Biological Control and Integrated Disease Management ...

  9. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference

    updated best management practices, and water treatment methods to remove toxins. Research and outreach ...

  10. Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief

    get updates from state agencies. There are two ways to attend: see the lecture live on Gibraltar or  ...
