
Search results

  1. Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction Welcomes Six Inductees

    David H. Brown, Surinder Kumar, John Miller, Donald Schriver, Timothy P. Smucker, and James Harper into ...

  2. Changes Coming to Wooster Campus

    including a new science building, a welcome center for Secrest Arboretum, Fisher Auditorium updates, and new ...

  3. Tick Safety Webinar- Online

    Lyme disease?  Meat allergy?  You've likely heard that the tick population is high this year ... and that you need to be vigilant to avoid tick-borne disease.  But how exactly do you do so? Lucky for ...

  4. Everything You Need to Know about Ticks

    Lyme disease?  Meat allergy?  You've likely heard that the tick population is high this year ... and that you need to be vigilant to avoid tick-borne disease.  But how exactly do you do so? Lucky for ...

  5. Helping Our Bat Friends

    our ecosystem and for us all!  Marne Titchenell, CFAES wildlife program specialist, provides an update ...

  6. Her family's loss propels mission to fight foodborne illness

    a stronger, more science-based food system that prevents foodborne diseases. Over the years, the center has ... celebrate Kevin Kowalcyk's 21st birthday by supporting efforts to prevent foodborne disease. Funds will ...

  7. #LeanOnYourLandGrant in a Crisis

    resources and return for updates at #LeanOnYourLandGrant ...

  8. Fallfest 2018- Come Home to CFAES!

    Tickets go on sale on July 23rd.  In the meantime, please update   your Ohio State University Alumni ... Just click on  then select “Update Your Info.” If you have issues logging in, ...

  9. Meet Your CFAES Alumni Society Board

    Headen-Brown- BSFDSCI Food Science and Technology 2017                             Class of 2017 Rep- Craig ...

  10. Time and Change: The Ohio State Campaign

    our enrolled students to grow into future leaders, updating current industry personnel with ...
