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Grape Berry Moth
Infestations can also contaminate fruit by introducing plant pathogens that cause plant diseases like bunch rot ... debris on the vineyard floor (Goldammer, 2018). The adult is a mottled-brown moth with some bluish gray ...
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
temperatures and readily available dog hosts. Diseases: In Ohio, the brown dog tick has not been implicated in ... brown dog tick is an important, but uncommon, transmitter of RMSF and several other disease organisms to ... disease. However, up to 40 percent of infected humans do not develop a ring-rash, which is almost always ...
Brown Spot of Soybeans
AC-18 02/09/2011 Anne E. Dorrance and Dennis R. Mills, Department of Plant Pathology Brown spot is ... of lower leaves. Recent yield losses documented range from 2 to 4 bu/A. Symptoms Symptoms of brown ... brown spots that vary in size from tiny specks to quarter-inch diameter can be seen on the upper and ...
Grape Black Rot
one of the most damaging diseases of grapes in Ohio and other northeastern states. The disease is ... rachises and cluster stems (peduncles) of grapes. If the disease is not managed early in the season, the ... on a grape leaf. Inset shows the dark pycnidia that can be seen in the center of each spot. Disease ...
Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio
Specialist, Agronomic Systems An update for nutrient recommendations for Ohio's major field crops (corn, ... values used for crops listed here, and in the updated Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations, can be used ... and Removal. Updated May 2014. Table 4.5. Kentucky: 2020-2021 Lime and Nutrient Recommendations, ...
Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean
dark gray, usually with a narrow, dark brown border. Disease Cycle Frogeye leaf spot is caused by the ... regions with warm, humid environments. Yield reductions from this disease have occurred in Ohio and this ... disease can also reduce seed quality in food grade varieties and seed production fields. Symptoms Lesions ...
Natural Organic Lawn Care
irregular brown patches. In lawns that are heavily damaged, the sod can be easily lifted. A few grubs per ... Weeds, insects and diseases are managed by cultural practices that are oriented toward prevention. ... therefore based on years of collective experience. Additional fact sheets regarding turf care and ...
Phomopsis Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot of Strawberry
Department of Plant Pathology Phomopsis leaf blight is a common disease of strawberry in the eastern United ... appears to be relatively minor; however, incidence of the disease has been increasing. The disease can ... yields the following year. In years highly favorable for disease development, leaf blight can cause ...
Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data
patches, or areas of major topography changes in the field. Hillsides and rolling ground can impact ...
College Scholarships
Brown Family Endowed Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships for students in the College to ...