
Search results

  1. PawPaws

    marketability, growth and production characteristics, grafting, pollination management, insect and disease ... attributes are observed and recorded.  Plant growth characteristics, insect and disease susceptibility and ... in Ohio Pawpaw 2019 and forward Pawpaw orchard establishment in Ohio Pawpaw patch management as ...

  2. Stress & Disease

    Stress and Disease Stress is an unavoidable component of the finfish aquaculture environment. Fish ... immune-suppression, which make the fish more susceptible to infectious and non-infectious diseases. The major goal of ... uphold a healthy aquatic environment, decrease disease incidence, and inhibit the spread of diseases ...

  3. MGV Project Reports and Information

    You may view the documents by clicking on their title.  2020 220 Berry Patch Soil Research- Abbie ... Sigmon July 2020 Berry Patch Report The International Harvest Garden: The People, Plant, and Practices ...

  4. Franklin County Master Gardner Volunteers at the Columbus Fall Home & Garden Show

    your toughest gardening problems. Brown patches in the lawn? Tomatoes not ripening? Browning boxwoods? ...

  5. Ohio Ag Law is on Facebook!

    Ohio Ag Law is now on Facebook! Gives us a like and follow to receive updates on agricultural and ...

  6. Update: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Check out the latest update for the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza here.The update is brought ...

  7. Juneteenth Strawberry Festival

    Join us at the Weinland Park Berry Patch on June 19 for an afternoon of free fun activities. ...

  8. Organic Farmer Researcher Network: Blue Owl Hollow vs. Ailanthus altissima: Lessons from the Fray

    When Janell Baran and her husband purchased their forest farm property in the late 1990s, it came with some unwelcome guests: large infestations of invasive woody plants such as Ailanthus (aka Tree-of-Heaven), Japanese barberry, Oriental bittersweet, and ...

  9. Timothy McDermott, DVM

    cattle, poultry, and companion animal species plus ticks and tick vectored-disease prevention. In addition ... nutrition, biosecurity, diseases, anatomy, and necropsy of poultry to 4th veterinary medical students as part ...

  10. Soil Balancing Call-in Registration

    2687; or Cassandra Brown at, (330) 263-3634. ...
