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  1. Farmland Value Expected to Take Direction from Crop Margins and Interest Rates in 2015

    the upper right-hand corner of the front page indicating when the last update occurred.   Barry Ward ...

  2. OSU Expert: Farmland Value Projected to be Flat, or Decrease in 2014

    include a date in the upper right-hand corner of the front page indicating when the last update occurred. ...

  3. Commercial Wine Production and Grape Growers Workshop Is Nov. 15 in Southern Ohio

    insects and diseases, Gao said. “Participants will also get an introduction to winemaking 101, including ...

  4. 'Plant That Ate the South' Is Here: Poster Tells Public to Watch Out for Kudzu

    thousand cankers disease and hemlock woolly adelgids, to name a few. Copies of the kudzu poster have been ...

  5. Spring Planting Could Start As Early As First Weeks of April

    damage from diseases and environmental stress at different growths stages. Using this method also spreads ...

  6. News Tips and Events for the Week of March 5

    mystery, but also could open the door to new treatments for neurological disease. Read more: ...

  7. ‘All Corn Is the Same,’ and Other Foolishness about America’s King of Crops

    and other diseases. • Corn or maize? While the United States and a few other English-speaking ...

  8. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    large numbers due to many reasons, including diseases, insect pests, loss of habitat and farm chemicals. ...

  9. OARDC’s Linda Saif is first woman to win prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture

    her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health. ...

  10. Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm

    biological control of foodborne diseases, and controlling problematic downy mildew and bacterial wilt in ...
