
Search results

  1. Summer Experience in Farm Management

    update the students about farm activities; a combination of dairy, crops and equine. Extended sessions on ...

  2. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    wildlife for food, she said. And they can spread some 30 diseases and 37 parasites to livestock, pets and ... humans. Two of those diseases, swine brucellosis and pseudorabies, are of special concern.   Feral swine ...

  3. Horticulture program receives $83,000 in USDA and industry support to conduct strawberry market and season extension research

    winter protection,  fertility management, insect and disease control methods, harvesting, and production ...

  4. Climate Change, Resilience, and Adaptation in Bangladesh

    also at risk from growing incidence of diseases linked to rising temperatures and rainfall variability. ...

  5. Meat Judging

    (Biosciences) Kristin Browne, a senior from Hudson, OH, majoring in Animal Sciences (minoring in Meat Science) ...

  6. Contact Information


  7. 2014 National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Conference from a Student's Perspective

    celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but their families, too. The product contains amaranth, quinoa, and ... product was developed and marketed to families that contain a diagnosed celiac disease sufferer or those ...

  8. Tri-State Workshop Can Help You Get Into Your Woods

    longhorned beetle  and  thousand cankers disease  of walnut trees. Wildlife, such as food plots, game ...

  9. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference- Attica, Ohio

    Conferences are organized yearly by AEDE. The conferences feature a series of meetings updating Ohio ...

  10. Can You Trust Green Labels? Find Out Sept. 15

    D.C. Among her work, she helped update the commission’s Green Guides to environmentally friendly ...
