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  1. Fabiano Colet Receives 2023 Ohio Soybean Council Scholarship

    application project aims to study the effects of frogeye leaf spot disease (Cercospora sojina) on soybean ... by the disease applying foliar fungicide at different timings. My other research is a nationwide ...

  2. Proceedings

    Seattle, WA 2009.  Wang, H.P., H. Yao, G.K. Wallat, P. O’Bryant, J. D. Rapp, L.G. Tiu, and B. Brown. 2008. ... Wallat, P. O’Bryant, J. D. Rapp, H. Yao, L.G. Tiu, L. Li, and B. Brown. 2008. Marker-assisted cohort ... G. Tiu, J. D. Rapp, P.O’Bryant, and B.B. Brown. 2007. Integrated genetic improvement of yellow perch ...

  3. Ohio State expert warns about effect of rock salt on plants

    notice more damage,” Bennett said.   Plants affected can range from turf grass to white pines. Often ... spill a large amount of it in one spot, you will see turf burn from the high amounts of salt.” Luckily, ...

  4. Corn Prices Expected to Improve

    corn shrinks, that will drive up corn prices, said Ben Brown, manager of the farm management program in ... average price of corn was $3.36 in 2018, and that likely will rise above $3.60 in 2019, Brown said. Though ... begun to rebound, Brown said. The current low price of U.S. corn spurred exports of the crop beginning ...

  5. Keeping Phosphorus Out of Waterways

    said Larry Brown, an agricultural engineer and faculty member at CFAES who is studying phosphorus ... Brown said. But Brown, who is researching the effectiveness of phosphorus filters with other CFAES ... problem,” Brown said. “We’re trying to figure out what can take care of the problem.” Brown will be one of ...

  6. Warring with Weeds

    specifically a family of weeds known as pigweeds. As they harvest, farmers should watch for patches of  ... best to avoid going through a patch of pigweed with a combine because that could spread the seeds, Loux ...

  7. Bee Lab Webinar

    Randy Mitchell, The University of Akron:  The Ohio Bee Survey: In Search of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee ...

  8. Dr. Michelle Jones Receives the CFAES Distinguished Graduate Student Mentor Award

    biostimulants to increase nutrient use efficiency and improve disease and environmental stress tolerance in ...

  9. Farm income projections hold a bit of good news

    Brown, manager of CFAES’ farm management program. It might take about a decade or more for profit levels ... balance sheets, it’s the land values,” Brown said. Overall, the value of cropland in Ohio has changed very ... year’s crop if they don’t own the land they cultivate, Brown said. Land costs factor significantly into ...

  10. Additional Resources

    websites and Useful Links: US Department of Health and Human Services US Centers for Disease Control and ...
