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  1. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    Additionally, foliar fungicides at the tassel stage (VT) or later can help protect against disease if pressure ... is high, but the effect is minimal when disease pressure is low. When hail damage exists and corn is ... Also, harvesting corn as silage earlier in the season can avoid further disease development and preserve ...

  2. Dutch Elm Disease

    Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello, Department of Plant Pathology Dutch elm disease (DED) is one of the most ... destructive urban forest diseases. This disease affects native American elm species, such as American (Ulmus ... lacebark (U. parvifolia) elms, are much less susceptible to DED, and the disease is not considered an issue ...

  3. Cedar-Apple Rust

    Ohio State University Cedar-apple rust is a common plant disease caused by the fungal pathogen ... apple, crabapple, eastern redcedar, and other juniper species. Cedar-apple rust is a widespread disease ... disease on redcedar and juniper, the symptoms can be significant and damaging on apple. This disease has ...

  4. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    SAG-0003 Agriculture and Natural Resources 05/22/2024 Revised by: Cassandra Brown, Program ... nurse or cover crops. Organic disease and pest control focuses on prevention through naturally bred ... disease resistance and crop rotations, with organically approved pesticides allowed, especially for ...

  5. Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland

    becomes increasingly susceptible to diseases and other harmful environmental factors that will ultimately ... five rings per radial inch, increasing in merchantable height at a rate of one-half log every 10 years, ... is growing in diameter at a rate of 10 rings per radial inch and will not put on any additional ...

  6. Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data

    patches, or areas of major topography changes in the field. Hillsides and rolling ground can impact ...

  7. Maps, Apps and Mobile Media Marketing

    customer coupons and information about the business’ products, services, real-time updates and weekly ... a magnetic strip in this first round of transition, until all merchants are able to update their card ... security policies will continue to be updated regularly, and researchers will provide data to help ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive

    fragrant (Figure 3). Fruits  Autumn olive: ¼-inch silvery, juicy berries dotted with brown scales that ... Russian olive:  3/8- to ½-inch long, elliptical, dry, mealy yellow-brown berries with silvery scales that ... viable in the soil for approximately three years. Twigs Silvery or golden brown, scaly when young, often ...

  9. Anthracnose of Grape

    The disease was probably introduced into this country by grape plant material imported from Europe. It ... quickly established in American vineyards and became a significant disease of grape in rainy, humid, and ... warm regions of the United States. The disease is not common in Ohio; however, it caused severe damage ...

  10. Predators of Poultry

    Disease Investigation Laboratory, Sara J. Spiegle, B.S., Avian Disease Investigation Laboratory, Teresa Y. ... Morishita, DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. ACPV, OSU Extension–Veterinary Medicine and Avian Disease Investigation ...
