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Blueberry Leaf Rust
Tsuga (hemlock, spruce), and Rhododendron (azalea, rhododendron). The disease has been reported in Asia, ... disease is sporadic and localized. Leaf rust can cause premature defoliation of affected bushes. Over ... time, and if not properly managed, bushes slowly decline and produce fewer marketable berries. Disease ...
Cork Spot and Bitter Pit of Apples
disease usually is not serious. This is an updated version of a fact sheet originally published in 1992. ... sometimes confuse these disorders with damage resulting from insects or pathological diseases, particularly ... used in controlling post-bloom diseases and insects affecting fruit. Do not apply calcium chloride ...
Apple Powdery Mildew
usually at the ends of branches. Small, whitish felt-like patches of fungal growth appear and quickly ... cover the entire leaf. Diseased leaves become narrow, crinkled, stunted and brittle. By mid-summer, ... fungal fruiting bodies, but their importance in the disease cycle is probably minimal. The fungus spreads ...
Gray Leaf Spot of Corn
prevalent foliar fungal diseases of corn in the state of Ohio ever since it was first reported in parts of ... into no-till fields and conditions are favorable for infection. Reports of high disease severity are ... humidity favor infect and disease development and spread. Under these conditions, yield losses ranging from ...
Hobby Maple Syrup Production
If they are brown in color you have hit some dead wood. If this happens then you should wait to see ...
Rusts of Apple
PLPATH-FRU-02 05/06/2016 Michael A. Ellis, Department of Plant Pathology Three rust diseases occur ... green area becomes brown and spongy. The formation of pycnia and aecia on infected fruit is rare. Apples ... crabapple. Larger, gray to brown spots form on leaves of hawthorn. Few aecia form on apple and crabapple. ...
Botrytis Bunch Rot or Gray Mold of Grape
mold grape infected grapes shriveled grapes brown grapes diseased grapes controlling grape fungus Plant ... and causes diseases on a variety of unrelated crops. Bunch rot can cause serious losses on highly ... Infection of ripe berries is the most common and destructive phase of this disease. Infected berries first ...
Powdery Mildew of Wheat
tritici, is the most common foliar disease of wheat in Ohio. It is most damaging in years with relatively ... late April or early May when wheat is in the joint to flag-leaf stage of development. This disease ... the flag leaf becomes severely diseased by heading. Losses of up to 45 percent have been documented in ...
Hops Downy Mildew
destructive disease of hops (Humulus lupulus) in the Midwest and Northeastern United States. Downy mildew is ... mild temperatures. The disease is systemic and can cause significant yield and quality losses annually. ... Farm. Disease Development and Symptoms The downy mildew pathogen survives the winter in dormant buds, ...
Preventing Heart Disease
good news is heart disease is preventable. The American Heart Association describes a coronary attack ... coronary artery disease. About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the United States are directly ... the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50% within just one year. And no matter how long or how much ...