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Maple Syrup Meeting
This seminar is free and open to the public, and is sponsored by the OSUE Brown County Master ...
2016 Beef School
year, as we were in Brown last year. The dates are January 19, February 2, and February 16. These are ...
Organic Winter Webinar: Organic weed control for the home or small plot
There’s no magic cure for weeds, but there are biological principles that can guide your approach to weed management and help you avoid chemical solutions. Cathy Herms, lab manager for the OARDC Weed Lab, will share tips on incorporating weed ecology to r ...
Organic Winter Webinar: Remediation of post-industrial urban soils by organic management
The loss of manufacturing in a number of U.S. cities, particularly in the Rust Belt, along with the 2008 housing crash, has led to population loss and abandonment of a large number of properties and land area. Unfortunately, what did not leave was the leg ...
Organic Winter Webinar: Management Practices That Impact Soil Health and Organic Matter
Soil health is at the heart of most organic farming. Ohio State soil researchers compared a huge volume of soil health test results and collected details on management practices to go with it. Christine Sprunger will share which practices appear to really ...
Tips for Using/Attracting Beneficial Insects
When it comes to insects, it’s important to know your enemies and your allies. Get to know some of Ohio’s predatory insects and what you can do to encourage their presence on your property. Presented by Ohio State's Mary Gardiner. https://osu.zoom.u ...
OEFFA booth: Open Q&A with Erin Silva from OGRAIN / University of Wisconsin
Open Q&A with Erin Silva from University of Wisconsin. We'll talk about the structure and orgins of OGRAIN, keys to building strong university-farmer collaborations, and field any grower questions that come in on the Silva lab's research and ...
OEFFA booth: Open Q&A on Soil Fertility and Health with Steve Culman and Glen Arnold
Steve Culman, Ohio State soils specialist, and Glen Arnold, Ohio State field specialist in Manure Nutrient Management will take your questions on soil health and fertility, talk about research, programming. Feel free to bring along your soil or manure ana ...
OEFFA booth: ATI students and OSU Grazing Team discussion
Join a discussion on regenerative grazing with our OSU Grazing Team and ATI students, based on the Will Harris Keynote discusison at the 2021 OEFFA conference. (Regenerating Land with Livestock 7pm) ...
Organic Corn Variety Trials
Organic Corn Variety Trials: 2020 Results OEFFA Conference Virtual Booth ...