
Search results

  1. Keeping Phosphorus Out of Waterways

    said Larry Brown, an agricultural engineer and faculty member at CFAES who is studying phosphorus ... Brown said. But Brown, who is researching the effectiveness of phosphorus filters with other CFAES ... problem,” Brown said. “We’re trying to figure out what can take care of the problem.” Brown will be one of ...

  2. Bee Lab Webinar

    Randy Mitchell, The University of Akron:  The Ohio Bee Survey: In Search of the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee ...

  3. Thrips

    Again, the  UC Davis site  covers them very well. The site also covers strawberry plant diseases. Unless ...

  4. Diseases of Vegetable and Fruit Crops

    diseases of vegetable and fruit crops produced in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical climates, with ... a focus on diseases impacting Ohio vegetable and fruit production. Prereq: 3001 and 3002; or 6001; or ...

  5. Plant Disease Epidemiology

    PLNTPTH 7002 Study of the dynamics of plant diseases; statistical modeling of plant disease ...

  6. Plant Disease Management

    PLNTPTH 5603 Theory and practice of plant disease management; emphasis on integration of cultural, ... biological, chemical methods and plant disease resistance. Video-linked to Wooster. Au Sem. Prereq: 3001 (401) ...

  7. Farm income projections hold a bit of good news

    Brown, manager of CFAES’ farm management program. It might take about a decade or more for profit levels ... balance sheets, it’s the land values,” Brown said. Overall, the value of cropland in Ohio has changed very ... year’s crop if they don’t own the land they cultivate, Brown said. Land costs factor significantly into ...

  8. Plant Disease Diagnosis

    PLNTPTH 5685 Plant Disease Diagnosis is focused on the diagnosis of plant diseases and ...

  9. Anna Testen

    tomato big bud caused by a 16SrII-C phytoplasma in Tanzania. Plant Disease 99:1854. Testen, A.L., ... phytoplasma in Tanzania. Plant Disease Testen, A.L., Nahson, J., ... Tanzania. Plant Disease 99:1035. Subedi, N., Testen, A.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Miller, S.A. 2015. First report ...

  10. General Plant Pathology Lab

    Not open to students with credit for 6001 or 401. Sample list of topics Disease Walks to help with ... terminology: Signs, Symptoms, Disease, Injury, Pathogen, Abiotic, Biotic Abiotic Stresses: Light Stress (Plant ... test, fill out soil sample forms) Microscopes and Their Use in Diseases Diagnostics: Use hand lenses and ...
