
Search results

  1. The Second Pandemic: Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19

    heavily noted by historians that throughout history, disease and racism have gone hand-in-hand. Join the ...

  2. CFAES appoints Kathy Lechman as assistant dean and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion

    DEI efforts. Dr. Lechman’s immediate charges will be to update her understanding of our college, ...

  3. Events Calendar

    chance to hear an update from Dean Cathann Kress about changes and advances within the College.   ...

  4. Calendar of events

    recording available)   Either in person or streaming online, this is a great chance to hear an update from ...

  5. Benfield Retires

    discoveries in animal disease prevention, overseeing major campus facilities renovations, and creating ... University.  Renowned for his contributions to swine disease research, David isolated the Porcine Reproductive ...

  6. Friends of Brown's Lake Bog Nature Preserve Presentation- Shreve, Ohio

    Come meet like-minded people who are interested in and care about Brown’s Lake Bog Nature ...

  7. Tree Walk- Wooster, Ohio

    proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases. Please dress for the weather. No reservations ...

  8. COVID-19 and the APIDA Community: Impacts, Historical Oppression, and Allyship

    other countries. Unfortunately, throughout history, fear of disease and racism have gone hand in hand. ...

  9. Tree Walk- Wooster, Ohio

    proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases. Please dress for the weather. No reservations ...

  10. Tree Walk- Wooster, Ohio

    proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases. Please dress for the weather. No reservations ...
