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  1. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 7- Soybean & Weed Competition

    damage, disease, or a combination of abiotic and biotic factors. Over time, the soybean can compensate for ...

  2. Lep Monitoring Network – Black Cutworm and True Armyworm Update # 5

    After finishing out our fifth week of monitoring for black cutworm and true armyworm, it was observed that the slight decline seen last week in the statewide average for both pests has continued to drop. Van Wert has seen the highest average of both BCW a ...

  3. Dr. Eric Stockinger

    diseases that render the grain unsellable. These are long-term goals with real world applications.  ...

  4. Alfalfa Weevil is Active Across Ohio

    brown adults. Photo Credit – Julie Peterson, University of Nebraska Control thresholds are determined by ...

  5. Turfgrass Science at OSU

    enhance our environment. Turf reduces glare, noise, air pollution, heat buildup and visual pollution. Turf ... homes, buildings and cities. You’ll learn to manage and maintain turf as you gain knowledge in plant ... Golf Course Superintendent Landscape Designer Turf Sales Representative Horticulturalist Arborist ...

  6. Same ol’ Farm Drainage Research? No, Think Future.

    under different drainage intensity and land management practices? Do foliar diseases differ across these ... growth monitoring, scouting for pests and diseases, and sampling of soil and tissue samples.  Matt Davis ...

  7. Dr. David M. Francis

    is responsible for resistance to disease. I also had really good botany instructors as an ...

  8. Corn & Soybean Planting Updates: Delays and Potential Yield Impacts and Recommendations

    Updates via C.O.R.N. Newsletter or visit the Ohio State Agronomy YouTube channel.         References ...

  9. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 3- April Weather Update

    episode 3, Dr. Aaron Wilson, State Climatologist of Ohio, gives us a spring weather update! Tune in and ... watch his weather and soil condition updates as we approach planting season. For more details, also ... & Soil Conditions: Update 3.” Figure 1. Planting date one soybean plots (planted on March 25) ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 5- Freeze Injury to Corn and Soybean

    crown should be white when healthy and brown when killed by the frost (Figure 2). Air temperatures ...
