
Search results

  1. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches

    meat accompaniment, try grilled peaches. Roll 4 peeled, fresh peaches in a mixture of ⅓ cup brown sugar ... ¼ cup flour ¼ cup packed brown sugar ½ teaspoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons butter or margarine Cooking ...

  2. Extension Conference Update: Speakers, Theme, and RFPs

    is Sept. 13.  Visit the conference's official website for more information and updates.  ...

  3. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    data (temperatures and rainfall), who is using the turf, symptoms, shape and size of the patches ... plant diseases. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn turf disease turfgrass plant ... Step 1: Collecting the Sample For "high cut turf " such as residential lawns, athletic ...

  4. Slime Molds on Turfgrass

    recommended. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn and turf causal organism primitive fungi ... their presence. Plant vigor may be slightly reduced in severely colonized turf due to excessive growth ... development. Symptoms There are various species of slime molds, each resulting in a discolored, irregular patch ...

  5. ↻ Refresh! Extension Data Portal Monthly Update

    EDP.  Clean up your imported Vita data (as needed). The Bulk Update Video Demo from February’s office ...

  6. Food Safety Team Organizing Professional Development Day — Aug. 15

    on food safety. The virtual day of learning will feature several updates (from Extension and the Ohio ... the Ohio Department of Health). Lastly, there will be a discussion and updates from the ServSafe and ...

  7. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...

  8. Extension Leadership Update

    I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension and chair of the Department of Extension. ...

  9. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    a pathogen encounters the crop, the greater the potential for a serious disease problem to develop. This is ... kills most plant disease-causing bacteria both on and within seeds. This treatment is suggested for ... Pests vegetables vegetable seed seeds treatment treatments bacterial diseases diseases Agriculture and ...

  10. Powdery Mildew of Grape

    limited, and they appear as dark-brown to black patches that remain as dark patches on the surface of ... important disease of grapes worldwide. The disease generally is considered less economically important in ... Ohio than black rot or downy mildew. However, uncontrolled, the disease can be devastating on ...
