
Search results

  1. COVID-19 Updates

    Extension 4-H professionals will share important updates and information with you as we develop and provide ... I want to update you with information about how the 4-H program is moving forward during this global ... days, they connected with you via email, began offering virtual meetings and regularly updated web sites ...

  2. CANCELLED: Dining with Diabetes

    temporary measures. We will share updates as more information becomes available. As you may be aware, The ... individuals might interact and transmit the diseases. The safety of our community is our top priority. We ... the inconvenience of these temporary measures. We will share updates as more information becomes ...

  3. August Update on Scouting and Treating SLF in Cleveland


  4. Large Crabgrass

    vineyards, gardens, landscaped areas, turf, nurseries, pastures, roadsides, ditches, and other disturbed ... Seeds are shiny, yellowish-brown and are 2-3 mm long. Management Cultural Practices Elevated mowing ... 1.5 to 3.0 inches. Thin turf in the spring or drought conditions often leads to major infestations of ...

  5. Meet Abby Obert: Adventures in the World of Drainage

    to update the current one, which will benefit the community greatly. “It’s different seeing it on ...

  6. DIY Food Gifts (Making Flavored Vinegars and Spiced Apples)

    – Spiced Apple Rings The classes will be hands-on, and each participant will take home a jar of food. Space ...

  7. DIY Edible Gifts: Spiced Apple Rings

    participates will take home a jar of spiced apple rings. The cost is $10.00. Click here  to sign up. For more ...

  8. April Update in the Community Garden Virtual Class

    Our monthly seasonal gardening series continues with an April Update held in partnership with The ...

  9. Senior Series Heart Health Webinar

    factors for heart disease and steps to reduce your risk.  REGISTER: ...

  10. Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum- Town Hall

    virtual meeting series to give seasonal updates and answer pre-submitted and live questions from grape and ...
