
Search results

  1. Seed Starting

    February 13 – Garden Planning at 6PM  Saturday, February 22 – Town Hall from 1PM- 4PM with Farmer Brown tha ...

  2. Garden Planning

    – Garden Planning at 6PM  Saturday, February 22 – Town Hall from 1PM- 4PM with Farmer Brown tha MC ...

  3. Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio

    and Pelletizing in Ohio- Hannah Scott, Ohio Cooperative Development Center 2015 UVM Research Update ... Malting Industry- Matt Cunningham, Cunningham Farms Barley Diseases and Management- Dr. Pierce A Paul, ... Science, OSU/OARDC Beginners: Keeping Hops Healthy: Disease Diagnosis, Forecasting, and Control- Sally ...

  4. Pests, Weeds and Disease! Workshop

    bad bugs,  disease management and more in this free virtual class event held in partnership with ...

  5. Fall Fruit Research Updates and Live Q&A

    Come join us for timely fruit research updates for your farm and garden, and to get your questions ...

  6. Currants and Gooseberries

    disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States.  Ribes were implicated as the ... suppress and control White Pine Blister Rust Disease is as follows: (A) The European black currant, Ribes ... powdery mildew and other leaf diseases. WILDER: Very much like Red Lake—high yielding with good-quality ...

  7. Franklin County 4-H Updates

    several important updates to enrollment and scheduled events.  ...

  8. Let OSU Extension, Franklin County Help You Achieve and Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

    your own food? Ringing in a new year often means creating resolutions to make the new year the best ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteer Membership Meeting & Workshop

    Program will include: Pie, ice cream, coffee, and cider MGV Program and Project updates Update on ...

  10. Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Pruning School

    easier to harvest. It also helps reduce the potential for disease and insect problems.” The cost of the ... to Topics covered will include: Project update of brambles, hardy figs, and ... hardy kiwis research Blueberry rootstock and grafted blueberry tree project update Grafting of fruit ...
