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  1. IT changes

    ScholarshipUniverse, where students can apply for financial aid. I’ve attached an updated version of the flyer for this ...

  2. What does the pneumococcal vaccine do for you?

    the best way to prevent pneumococcal disease. Who should get the pneumococcal vaccine? Children under ... pneumococcal disease, but some people, like children and seniors, are at increased risk. In addition, those ... with medical conditions like chronic heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, weakened immune system, ...

  3. Summer Patch on Turfgrass

    as in roughs and clubhouse surrounds, the disease shows up as irregular patches, rings, and ... crescents. The disease, even to a trained eye, appears very similar to necrotic ring spot. Patches are ... prevention fungicides symptoms patch disease necrotic ring spot take-all patch bentgrass dead spot ...

  4. Can a flu vaccine give me the flu?

    diabetes, heart disease or chronic lung disease. If you spend time around vulnerable populations like kids ...

  5. Are vaccines safe?

    dangerous diseases. When you get a vaccine, it sparks your immune response, helping your body fight off and ... long-lasting immunity to serious diseases without the risk of serious illness. Find more information at ...

  6. OTDI Updates  addresses to give everyone more time to prepare. If you're updating systems to use  ...

  7. Age

    What is Everyone Should Know About Meningococcal Vaccines Printable, What is Meningococcal Disease ... Preventing Pneumococcal Disease in Adults [PDF] Printable, American Lung Association [PDF] ...

  8. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics ...

  9. Vaccine Toolkit

    prevent the spread of disease and have even helped us wipe out some illnesses! Although good cleaning ... habits, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the spread of disease, vaccines help us to ... prevent tough diseases such as those that spread through the air. Additionally, vaccines must pass testing ...

  10. Vaccine Toolkit

    prevent the spread of disease and have even helped us wipe out some illnesses! Although good cleaning ... habits, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the spread of disease, vaccines help us to ... prevent tough diseases such as those that spread through the air. Additionally, vaccines must pass testing ...
