
Search results

  1. CFAES Products for Sale

    Patch are currently on sale at the Parker Dairy Store in the Parker Food Science and Technology ...

  2. Ohio State Drought Rapid Response Team provides resources for farmers amid worsening weather conditions

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio — From brittle, brown lawns and cracked soils to dry ponds and crops, ... extreme drought, according to the Aug. 22 update from the U.S. Drought Monitor. This prolonged dry spell ... drought conditions are likely to persist or worsen across the state.” The team updates its Drought ...

  3. Kavya Sekar Susitha

    graduating sometime in 2028! Research Focus: My work will focus on studying the mechanisms of quantitative disease ...

  4. BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator: A beacon of connectivity for Ohio’s future

    series. Some outputs of the classes include updated broadband maps that more accurately reflect the actual ...

  5. DEI Newsletter

    contribute news items, events, professional development opportunities, or community updates and ...

  6. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    boosts domestic manufacturing and reduces reliance on imports.” Disease and high demand threaten the ... natural rubber supply was lost to disease – and the risk for transmission of South American leaf blight to ...

  7. Dr. Ram Yadav

    priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. I also plan on testing new ...

  8. Faculty Expertise

    and/or polyphenols to impact inflammation and metabolism in health and disease. Joint appointments in ... foods and health promotion and disease prevention, metabolomics, analytical chemistry, liquid ...

  9. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Ramawatar Yadav

    management concerns and priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. ...

  10. Inductees

    leadership in promoting a career in the dairy industry. 2017 Inductees Mr. David H. Brown  graduated from The ...
