
Search results

  1. TWEL Grant Ravary

    Occupancy, Abundance, and Landscape Connectivity Analyses of Ring-necked Pheasant in Ohio ... Grant Ravary Advisor: William Peterman Thesis  Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, herein referred to ... and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ...

  2. TWEL Grant Ravary

    Occupancy, Abundance, and Landscape Connectivity Analyses of Ring-necked Pheasant in Ohio ... Grant Ravary Advisor: William Peterman Thesis  Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, herein referred to ... and reduced habitat connectivity between suitable patches. Our current understanding of pheasants’ ...

  3. Organic Grains Conference January 9-10, 2025

    Learn more or register now. Learn more or register now! Get fired up for the 2025 Organic Grains Conference, January 9-10! ...

  4. SENR Announcements, October 25

    Coyotes (Canis latrans) in Illinois, USA, 2000–23, "  Journal of Wildlife Diseases  60(3), 799-501, ...

  5. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different region of Ohio. Using a participatory process, specific project ideas are crafted and then funded through the Stinner Endowment ...

  6. Organic Vegetable Production Deep Dive

    Join FairShare CSA Coalition for this day-long workshop on organic vegetable production and get into the nitty gritty of onion and carrot growing. Hear from 3 fellow growers on each crop- including their production system specifics, favored varieties, and ...

  7. Farmer-Led Trial Program: November Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    Brown  (Ohio State).  Join Zoom Meeting  ...

  8. TWEL Ashlyn Halseth

    levels of morbidity and mortality. Despite its impact, the disease dynamics and individual risk of ... urban spaces continues to rise globally, understanding how disease dynamics within coyote populations is ... mortality, and elucidate general disease dynamics of sarcoptic mange and (2) identify specific covariates ...

  9. TWEL Aidan McCarthy

    compared to core populations. This project’s primary objectives are (1) to update the status and ...

  10. SENR Announcements, September 30

    questions.  It is housed on Teams along with all the SENR SOPs that are linked within, and will be updated ... annually.  ENR@Work will eventually be updated to mirror the handbook, but until those changes are made, ...
