
Search results

  1. Soy Biodiesel a Success on Ohio State Campus

    community is breathing a lot easier. A portion of the university's public transportation vehicles are ...

  2. Symposium in April to Explore Carbon Sequestration in Urban Green Spaces

    sequestration symposium in April to bring together leading world experts, key academic researchers, public ...

  3. New Root Rot-Resistant Soybean Gene Discovered

    "The good thing about the new gene, Rps8, is that it probably hasn't been seen in U.S. germplasm ...

  4. Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans

    itself. Soybean mosaic virus was not prevalent in other states last year and in Ohio we haven't seen ...

  5. Lt. Gov. Candidate Padgett Tours ATI, OARDC

    Republican gubernatorial primary. A Kent State graduate, a former public school teacher and the former ...

  6. Chow Line: Weigh fish advisories against fish benefits (for 6/6/04)

    message and to act as a conservative measure to protect public health. Some sport fish should be eaten ...

  7. Winter Pork Producer Programs Set

    10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; contact Pat Rigby at (800) 398-7675. • March 12: Bucryus, Ohio; Public Library ...

  8. Animal Welfare Programs Foster Human/Animal Relationship

    The training programs have seen success in Australia with three out of four participants showing an ...

  9. OSU Researchers Working to Boost Blueberry Production in Ohio

    Shyville Road, Piketon. The program, which is open to the general public and costs $10, will feature ...

  10. New Changes to APV Laws. Get the Details at Farm Science Review

    said Hall, who has seen increased inquiries come across her desk. "The new provisions got buried ...
