
Search results

  1. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    to chickens, and spreads rapidly from flock to flock.  The Low Path AI is often seen in wild birds ...

  2. Honoring the Late Godwin Apaliyah and Community Development Professionals at the 2023 Celebrating Land Grants Awards Ceremony

    publications, including journal articles, book chapters, fact sheets, and bulletins.  He taught an undergraduate ...

  3. Zhao named as 2023 CFAES Distinguished Professor

    her students. She has authored 181 publications (62 peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 book chapters, ...

  4. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    and watching TV” and “studying and texting.”   Multitasking: Why we do it Here are the basic findings ... satisfied from their work. * The addition of the TV made studying entertaining and the combination of the ...

  5. Post-Harvest Sanitation Steps To Help Prevent Diseases, Insects From Overwintering

    We have officially seen the end to our growing season with several over night low temperatures ...

  6. Fall Is a Great Time to Evaluate Weed Control Methods

    dock and Canada thistle are commonly seen, especially in soybean fields. The weeds that require closer ...

  7. Bio and Renewable Diesel Energy Trends & Updates

    public/farmer.  We hope to highlight the market potential of this fuel for not only the public but the soybean ...

  8. Be Cautious On Roads, In Fields and Barns At Harvest Time

    has a legal right to use the public roads. Harvest is a short period of time compared to the rest of ...

  9. Dennis R. Heldman

    educational institutions, industry and government.  These activities include publication of the second edition ...

  10. The Scoop on CAUV Soil Value Changes to Cropland and Woodland

    soil values in NE Ohio Jack Irvin, Ohio Farm Bureau Vice President for Public Policy Farmland market ...
