
Search results

  1. Ohio State University advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    products through public engagement,” he said. “The new Waterman Dairy, along with the Multispecies Animal ... Learning Center now under construction, will raise the bar for CFAES teaching, research, and public ...

  2. Guidance and Preparation for Interactions with First Amendment Activists

    offices. These individuals visit public office buildings to record interactions with the intent to provoke ... that are off-limits to the public without authorization is an important step you should take now to ... prepare your Extension office.   Identify which spaces in your building are clearly “public” or “intended ...

  3. A fair kid, through and through

    outgoing, developed public speaking skills, and learned the  importance of building and cultivating ...

  4. Bat Walk at Chadwick Arboretum North

    research, and educating the public. The last 2 years, he was a part time naturalist at Highbanks Metro Park ...

  5. Industry Advisory Council (IAC)

    public, corporate, education, association, and recent graduate representation from construction or ...

  6. Events

    events in our gardens. Many are open to the public while others are reserved for members of specific ... organizations.  Our calendar of events includes all events, while highlighting those that are open to the public ...

  7. CFAES associate dean, faculty member, and grad student earn national engineering honors

    scholarly publications, including more than 50 on topics related to teaching and learning. “I am humbled by ...

  8. Women in Ag Wednesday Webinar Reminder

    who want to learn more about supporting women in agriculture, and the public. More information can be ...

  9. Membership and Giving

    needed to run a public garden.  Additionally, membership is an investment in the future of horticulture. ... public garden experience. In turn, this valuable experience helps our students become successful ... visit gardens by offering free or reduced entrance fees to 345+ public gardens and arboreta across the ...

  10. Departments

    to agricultural and industrial groups and the general public. Department of Extension Our Department ... with its human dimensions.  SENR provides leadership, educates students, serves the general public, and ...
