
Search results

  1. Farmland Rental Prices

    Unfortunately, the region including Wayne County is not published publicly, as few surveys were returned. But ... everyone’s protection and should not be seen as a judgment of character on either side. The 2020 Ohio Custom ...

  2. Taking a Time Out

    a friend you haven’t seen in a while?  These activities may bring to mind emotions of enjoyment as they ...

  3. Samson Girma

    Samson Girma Fellow Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) Samson Girma is an ... expert in the field of public health microbiology and has extensive experience and training in laboratory ... diagnostic, food, and drinking water microbiology at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Food and Nutrition ...

  4. Healthier Lifestyles

    TV or set a rule that the TV is not on for more than 2 hours a day.  This will help everyone be more ...

  5. S. Dee Jepsen

    Community Resource Development, minor in Public Health, The Ohio State University Occupational Safety & ...

  6. Ellen Essman

    create outreach materials for public dissemination, provides support in the initiation, planning, ...

  7. COVID-19 and Fresh Produce

    have become priority, and the repercussions of “being in public” have changed in a way that few of us ... seen examples of this locally, where our stores can’t keep up with the demand and our production lines ...

  8. Time Management

    goals and putting them in our vehicle, our wallet, our kitchen, and on the door so they are seen several ...

  9. CD Wire- December 20, 2021

    Congratulations, Sandy!! Publication Update: New CD Fact Sheets Since the last CD Wire, the following fact sheets ...

  10. Forget the Millennial vs. Boomer Distinctions: Let's talk about reaching Generation "C"

    How many of you have seen notices for workshops on “understanding Millennials” or “generational ... I have not seen THAT webinar offered yet! Read the complete story on the OSU Extension CD blog. Submitted ...
