Mowing Lawns

July 7, 2015

Few ground covers are as versatile, utilitarian or as environmental important as a lawn. Turfgrass has the ability to be maintained by mowing. Mowing is the routine cutting off the ends of the leaves, a partial defoliation of the turfgrass plant, without severely damaging or killing the plant. This is a unique feature of turfgrass plants. Mowing is one of the most important maintenance practices performed in lawn maintenance. Regardless of the type of grass in a lawn or whether the lawn is fertilized, irrigated, an old lawn or a new lawn, proper mowing is essential for a high quality lawn. Properly mowed lawns will have fewer weeds, better moisture stress tolerance and generally better quality than lawns not properly mowed. Mowing is in a way a “controlled” injury to plants, if properly executed the lawn will be healthy and have a desirable appearance.

This spring due to the mild winter and earlier than normal warm temperatures, lawns started to grow and grow fast! It has been challenging to keep up with mowing. The following are the basics for mowing a lawn.

  1. Sharp blade. - mow with asharpblade for a clean cut.
  2. Height of cut. - mow high, usually about 3 inches.
  3. Frequency. - mow frequent enough to avoid clumps of clippings.
mowing 1-1
High quality mowed lawn.
mowing 2-1
Shredded turf leaf tips.
mowing 3-1
Excessive clippings; grass allowed to get too
tall between mowings; and uneven cut.
mowing 4-1
Uneven cut and scalping of the turfgrass.
mowing 5-1
Rake and remove excessive grass clippings.