Brown Ring Patch/Waitea Patch

July 7, 2015

As of yesterday several cases of Brown Ring Patch / WaiteaPatch (Waitea circinata var circinata) on Poa annua have been reported. The disease is often active during the transition period of winter/spring to hot early summer like weather conditions, i.e. like we are having in Ohio this week. Even though the disease maybe wide spread on greens and surrounds (we have seen on tees) and the symptoms can be very noticeable, in most cases serious damage does not occur. When there is prolonged infection of the Poa annua plants there can develop on the leading edge (outer portion of the ring) of the affected patches a narrow band of brown leaf tissue.

The following web site is an excellent power point presentation with additional information about the disease and management.


1BrownRingPatch Brown Ring Patch 2
Brown Ring Patch / Waitea Patch on a green in spring 2011. Brown Ring Patch / Waitea Patch in spring 2011.