1999-2010 Scholarly Publications

April 6, 2010
  • R.C. Venu, Sheshu Madhav, M.,  Sreerekha, M.V., Nobuta, K., Zhang, Y., Carswell, P., Boehm, M.J., Meyers, B.C., Korth, K.L., and Wang, G-L. (2010).  Deep and comparative transcriptome analysis of rice plants infested by beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) and water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus) insects.  RICE (In press)
  • Venu, R.C., Zhang, Y., Weaver, B., Carswell, P. Mitchell, T.K., Meyers, B.C., Boehm, M.J., Wang, G-L. (2010). Large Scale Identification of Genes Involved in Host-Fungal Interactions Using Illumina’s Sequencing-By-Synthesis Technology. Methods Mol. Biol. (In press)
  • Venu, R. C., Beaulieu, R.A., Graham, T.L., Medina, A.M. and Boehm, M.J. (2009). Dollar spot fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa produces oxalic acid.  Inter. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 11:263-270.
  • Ellis, S.D. and M.J. Boehm. 2009. Plants Get Sick Too! Plant Diseases Idea Starter. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-K-2009-0511-01
  • Jo, Y.K., Chang, S.W., Boehm, M.J., and Jung, G.  2008.  Rapid Development of Fungicide Resistance by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Turfgrass.  Phytopathology 98:1297-1304.
  • Baysal-Gurel, F., Lewis Ivey, M.L., Dorrance, A.E., Luster, D., Frederick, R., Czarnecki, J., Boehm, M.J., and Miller, S.A.  2008.  An Immunofluorescence Assay to Detect Urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 92:1387-1393.
  • Koenig, J.L., Shetlar, D. J., Rimelspach, and Boehm, M. J. 2008. First Incident of Annual Bluegrass Weevil, Listronotus maculicollis. Damage in Ohio. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi: 10.1094/ATS-2008-0619-01-BR.
  • Jo, Y., Wang, G.L., and Boehm, M.J.  2007. Identification of rice defense-related genes in St. Augustinegrass in response to infection by Pyricularia grisea.  Phytopathology 97:170-178.
  • Boehm, M.J., Shetlar, D.J., and Schmoll, J.T.  2007.  Integrated Management of Weeds, Insects, and Diseases. pp. 95-136 in Hartmann's Plant Science: Growth, Development, and Utilization of Cultivated Plants, 4th Edition.  Margaret J. McMahon, Anton M. Kofranek and Vincent E. Rubatzky, Eds., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, NJ.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., Boehm, M.J., Lipps, P.E., Slininger, P.J., Zhang, S.  2006. Selection and evaluation of the potential of choline-metabolizing microbial strains to reduce Fusarium head blight. Biological Control 39:497-506.
  • Jo, Y., Niver, A.L., Rimelspach, J.W., and Boehm, M.J.  2006. Fungicide Sensitivity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from Golf Courses in Ohio. Plant Disease 90:807-813.
  • Zhang , S., Schisler, D.A., Jackson, M.A., Boehm, M.J., Slininger, P.J. and Liu, Z.L.  2006. Cold shock during liquid production increases storage shelf-life of Cryptococcus nodaensis OH 182.9 after air-drying.  Biological Control and Technology 16(3):281-293.
  • Thomas, S.L., Bonello, P., Lipps, P. and Boehm, M.J.  2006. Avenacin Production in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and its influence on the host range of Gaeumannomyces graminis. Plant Disease 90:33-38.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., and Boehm, M.J.  2006.  Bacillus species NRRL B-30212 for reducing Fusarium head blight in cereals.  Patent #: 7,001,755; Issued: February 21, 2006.
  • Zhang, S., Schisler, D. A., Boehm, M.J., and Slininger, P. J.  2005. Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and carbon loading of production media influence freeze-drying survival and biocontrol efficacy of Cryptococcus nodaensis OH 182.9. Phytopathology 95:626-631.
  • Boehm, M.J., Rimelspach, J.W., and Thomas, S.L. 2004. Management of Fungal and Oomycete Diseases: Turfgrass. in Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science, Update 2, Robert M. Goodman, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.  DOI: 10.1081/E-EPCS-120019949.
  • Thomas, S.L., Rhodes, L.H., and Boehm, M.J.  2004. Following the disease progression of an ectotrophic root-infecting fungus. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2004-1215-01
  • Khan, N. I., Schisler, D. A., Boehm, M.J., Lipps, P.E., and Slininger, P. J.  2004.  Field testing of antagonists of Fusarium head blight incited by Gibberella zeae.  Biological Control and Technology 29: 245-255.
  • Engle, J. S., Lipps, P. E., Graham, T. L. and Boehm, M.J. 2004. Effects of choline, betaine and wheat floral extracts on growth of Fusarium graminearum.  Plant Disease 88:175-180.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., Boehm, M.J., and Slininger, P.J.  2002.  Greenhouse and field evaluation of biological control of Fusarium head blight on durum wheat.  Plant Disease 86:1350-1356.
  • Nelson, E.B., and Boehm, M.J.  2002.  Compost-Induced Suppression of Turf Grass Diseases.  BioCycle June 2002:51-55.
  • Nelson, E.B., and Boehm, M.J.  2002.  Microbial Mechanics of Compost-Induced Disease Suppression.  BioCycle July 2002:45-47.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., Boehm, M.J., and Slininger, P.J.  2002.  Greenhouse and field evaluation of biological control of Fusarium head blight on durum wheat.  Plant Dis. 86:1350-1356.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., Boehm, M.J. 2002.  Biological control of Fusarium head blight of wheat and deoxynivalenol levels in grain via use of microbial antagonists.  pp. 53-69 in Mycotoxins and Food Safety, edited by Trucksess et al.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
  • Schisler, D.A., Khan, N.I., and Boehm, M.J.  2001.  Bacteria and yeasts for reducing Fusarium head blight in cereals and selection thereof.  Patent #: 6,312,940; Issued: November 6, 2001.
  • Loschinkohl, C., and Boehm, M.J.  2001.  The effects of the incorporation of composted biosolids to disturbed urban soils on turfgrass establishment, productivity, and rust severity.  HortScience 36(4):790-794.
  • Garling, D.C., and Boehm, M.J.  2001.  Temporal effects of compost topdressing and inorganic fertilizer applications on nitrogen fertility of golf course turfgrass.  Argon. J. 93:548-555.
  • Khan, N.I., Schisler, D.A., Boehm, M.J., Slininger, P.J., and Bothast, R.J. 2001. Selection and evaluation of microorganisms for biocontrol of Fusarium head blight of wheat incited by Gibberella zeae.  Plant Dis. 85:1253-1258.
  • Hoitink, H.A.J., and Boehm, M.J.  1999.  Biological control agent efficacy in the context of indigenous microbial communities.  Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 37:427-446.